

Top 3 Reasons to Move the Middle

Virtually every company can divide their sales force into a bell curve. Learn how small improvements in the performance of your mid-level performers can generate big results. This brief eBook provides valuable insights on the critical role these key members of your sales team can play in growing sales.

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The 2021 Delphi Report: Pay With Points

This collaborative study was conducted by the Loyalty Academy, Wise Marketer Research Services and Engage People. The focus of their study was the emerging trend in loyalty programs to allow consumers to convert points to real currency, commonly referred to as “Pay with Points.”

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IRF: How to Run an Effective Points Program

Includes best practices and valuable tips from incentive experts. Their insights were gathered during interviews and research, providing practical guidance for managers and others who design reward programs. Published by the Incentive Research Foundation (2021).

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IRF: “Six Reasons to Recognize” Infographic

This infographic from the Incentive Research Foundation offers a great overview on six categories to recognize employees: milestones, behaviors, learning, safety & wellness, ideas/suggestions and actions. This is a great reference tool for managers and program administrators to keep on hand.

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IRF: Social Responsibility & Sustainability

This report from the Incentive Research Foundation studies trends and implications around sustainable business practices, primarily within the MICE industry. Download this report to learn their findings. Published by The Incentive Research Foundation (2022).

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3 Secrets of Holiday Gifting Success

This handy guide shows you: Why gifting is important in enhancing business relationships. Secrets of effective business holiday gifting. How gifts help you stand out to your customers and employees. Key benefits of gifting to your organization. Tips for making your gifts and the gifting experience memorable. The power of connecting emotionally with your recipients.

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The Reward Delivery Experience Study

Hinda’s Reward Delivery Experience Study revealed some surprising findings that could help program sponsors create emotional ties with their participants simply and efficiently. Download the final report to learn how.

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The Reward Delivery Experience Study

Hinda’s Reward Delivery Experience Study revealed some surprising findings that could help program sponsors create emotional ties with their participants simply and efficiently. Download the final report to learn how.

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The Sales Incentive Journey

Learn how to gain greater enrollment and active participation by understanding your participants. The Sales Incentive Journey eBook is a roadmap for engaging participants and driving maximum results. Use it yourself or share it with your clients and prospects. 

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